Spain Video!

Here is the last of my posts about our trip around Europe this past Summer (well, that took a while)! This is the video from our time in this point in the trip we were taking less and less video, so this one is on the shorter/simpler side, but it's still fun to have these memories to look back on in the future! I just re-watched the other little movies we made and it made me so nostalgic for that trip! You can find our France movie here, and our Italy movie here! (The France one is my favorite :) ).

The songs in the video are "Barcelona" by Giulia y Los Telarini and "Gorrion" by Juan Serrano. Hope you like it!


  1. Ayyy que emocionada era de ver el video de barca, y por supuesto los dedos en la playa. QUE bueno, obvio.

  2. that was beautiful, and i really enjoyed it! thanks for sharing. perfect song choices, too. xo

  3. Beautiful! And the songs were beautiful too. I'm dying for a vacation after watching that.

  4. Ah! :)

    I studied abroad in Europe last semester and had the chance to visit Spain and it was the most wonderful thing ever. Your video made me so nostalgic. I kept thinking: GAUDI GAUDI SO MUCH GAUDI. <3

    Thanks for sharing!
    xo —
    Jenny @ Coffee & Honeycomb
